We Help Our Clients Break the Burnout Cycle & Design a Career They Love

What I Do

End Burnout

Double Your Energy

Create Boundaries For Success

Design Your Dream Career & Life

Are You Burning Out?

Recognize the Red Flags of Burnout Before It’s Too Late
Recognizing that each individual experiences burnout uniquely, I’ve compiled a list of symptoms from women I’ve worked with and my own journey to help you identify and address burnout effectively.

  • Chronic fatigue: Feeling tired or exhausted most of the time, even after rest or sleep.
  • Decreased motivation: Finding it difficult to feel excited or motivated about work or other activities you used to enjoy.
  • Increased irritability: Becoming easily frustrated, short-tempered, or irritable, even in situations that wouldn’t normally bother you.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Struggling to focus, make decisions, or remember things, leading to decreased productivity.
  • Physical symptoms: Experiencing headaches, muscle tension, stomach problems, or other physical ailments without a clear medical cause.
  • Emotional detachment: Feeling emotionally numb, detached, or disconnected from others, including friends, family, or colleagues.
  • Insomnia or disturbed sleep: Having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up feeling rested, despite adequate time in bed.
  • Loss of satisfaction: Feeling a sense of dread, disillusionment, or cynicism about your work or life in general, and questioning its purpose or value.
  • Increased absenteeism: Taking more sick days or time off work than usual, or finding excuses to avoid responsibilities.
  • Neglecting personal needs: Ignoring self-care activities such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, in favor of work or other obligations.
Imagine if…

You could:

Achieve Work-Life Harmony

Find balance by stepping away from work to fully enjoy life’s pleasures.

Achieve Work-Life Harmony

Find balance by stepping away from work to fully enjoy life’s pleasures.

Establish Firm Boundaries

Protect your time and energy, saying no to overwhelm and yes to balance.

Establish Firm Boundaries

Protect your time and energy, saying no to overwhelm and yes to balance.

Hi, I’m Hannah 👋

In the whirlwind of life, I hit a wall – hard. I was stuck in the thick, suffocating fog of burnout. It wasn’t just about work, although that was a big part of it. It was more than that; it was a multi-faceted burnout, a combination of career burnout, parenting exhaustion, and health fatigue that left me feeling like an overused, undercharged battery.

I mean, have you ever felt so drained that you couldn’t even get out of bed (for weeks!)?

But here’s the thing: hitting rock bottom can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. It forces you to take a step back, reassess, and most importantly, prioritize yourself. And that’s exactly what I did.

Recovery didn’t happen overnight. It wasn’t a magic pill or a quick fix. Instead, it was a journey, a series of small but powerful steps towards reclaiming my energy and my life.

Slowly, I started to feel better. I found my energy returning, my passion reigniting. I felt like myself again.

That’s why I created the Serene Success System. It’s a lifeline for the tired, the stressed, the overwhelmed. It’s a roadmap to accelerating recovery, to recharging your life, to designing a career and life you love.

On a lighter note, when I’m not deep into helping women end burnout, I can be found wandering in the woods or chasing my kiddos at the beach.

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