End the cycle of burnout

Get the strategies & support you need to stop people pleasing and experience serene success 

Hannah Tackett certified health and life coach

Burnout isn't a sudden crash

It’s a silent build up of stress over time.

The 3 Stages of Burnout

Stage 1.
Sneaky Stress

Stress begins to accumulate unnoticed and starts affecting daily life subtly.

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Poor concentration
  • Tummy troubles
  • Headaches
  • Self criticism


If the underlying stress continues to accumulate month after month, year after year then we experience...

Stage 2.
Emotional Erosion

Increasing emotional exhaustion leading to cynicism, dread, and detachment from work and personal life.

  • Cynicism
  • Dread (AKA "Sunday Scaries")
  • Detached
  • Grind
  • Resentment
  • Fantasies of quitting


THIS is the time to make a change. Don't wait until...

Stage 3
Performance Paralysis

Severe burnout stage marked by significant decline in performance, health issues, difficulty getting out of bed, and prolonged hours at work without productivity.

  • poor performance
  • fatigue
  • physical illness


It's not too late, you can still end burnout and recover your energy and confidence.

How do you know if you are burnt out?

Here are how 20 different women answered how they knew they were burnt out:

Wondering why you keep burning out?

4 Success Traps That Can Lead to Burnout

1. People Pleasing
You are trying to keep your boss happy, your kids happy, your spouse happy, and your needs inevitably are last on the list. You struggle to say "No".
2. Perfectionism
Impossibly high standards & high attention to detail. Reluctance to delegate because you know they won't do it as well as you.
3. Over Helping
Overextending and picking up the problems and responsibilities of others.
4. Too Busy
You have a never ending checklist and you never pause to acknowledge today’s wins before you are chasing down the next “To Do”.

You have been doing all the things • for all the people • for too long

Let me introduce you to, future you

Things are about to get so much easier.

I'm talking about confidence and clarity in every area of your Work-Life.

Gain Confidence at Work & Home

Feel empowered to excel at work, whether that means seeking a raise, a promotion, or just elevating your performance.

Enjoy Loving Relationships

Experience more love, connection, and joy with your family, which will ripple into all of your relationships.

Experience Health & Peace of Mind

Care for yourself and enjoy being led by your core values.

It's About Thriving

Not Just Surviving

I get it

Struggling with burnout can be frustrating, and lonely

Here’s How My Approach

Is Different

"The Dread Is lifting"

I thought I was purposeless... So, to have that change .. is really powerful and that has helped turn it [burnout] around for me.

I was able to feel better about myself... It bolstered, strengthened, and gave me courage to do things that I previously thought were out of reach."

With more energy and lighter feeling that I have... the dread is lifting from all of us. Gosh, now I'm like giddy. I'm happy. I'm like, yeah, I can get up in the morning. I want to get up in the morning."

This is NOT another diy online course.

This is me & you, this is community.

Because you don't need more information – you need help.


The Serene Success Program

The secret to sustainable success without sacrifice.

Pursue Your "Yes"
Energize Your Being
Assert Your Voice
Claim Your Surplus
Elevate Your Success
The PEACE Method

Step 1. Pursue Your "Yes"

  • Discover a little-known way to enhance motivation and build a positive mindset!
  • Revealed: Why simply listing goals will NEVER strengthen your emotional connection to them – and what you need to do instead!
  • Discover a little-known way to enhance focus on progress and success!
  • At last! Find out what the top 1% know about aligning with core values!
  • Here’s how the top performers link joy to goal-oriented behaviors!
  • Discover a little-known way to enhance clarity and alignment with your life purpose!
  • You’ll find out 5 deceptively simple ways to empower self-discovery and align with your strengths!

Step 2. Elevate Your Energy

  • Discover a little-known way to enhance prioritization and focus!
  • Revealed: Why ignoring your “yes” and “no” will NEVER improve energy management – and what you need to do instead!
  • Here’s how the top achievers practice strategic calendar management!
  • You’ll find out 5 surprisingly easy ways to empower your choices and embrace flexibility!
  • Learn a little-known way to enhance stress management with the “5-5-7 Breath” technique!
  • Revealed: Why ignoring stress management will NEVER build emotional resilience – and what you need to do instead!

Step 3. Assert Your Voice

  • Learn a little-known way to empower communication and ask for what you want with confidence!
  • Here’s how the top achievers explore expanded possibilities by reconciling conflicting goals!
  • Revealed: Why ignoring past wounds will NEVER boost personal power – and what you need to do instead!
  • You’ll uncover the secret to asking for what you want and actually getting it – it’s easier than you think and will transform your approach to getting results!

  • Here’s how the experts enhance self-awareness by understanding body and emotion connections!
  • At last! Find out what thousands of other successful individuals know about transforming old wounds for personal growth!
  • You’ll find out 5 surprisingly easy ways to say “no” effectively – without feeling guilty or damaging relationships

Step 4. Claim Your Surplus

  • Discover a little-known way to celebrate your wins and shift your baseline for future success!
  • Revealed: Why neglecting progress will NEVER create a positive feedback loop – and what you need to do instead!
  • You’ll find out 3 deceptively simple ways to plan your next steps effectively for continued success!
  • Learn a little-known way to harness your energy towards your biggest dreams!
  • At last! Find out what thousands of other successful people know about discovering and focusing on your “magnificent obsessions”!
  • Here’s how the top performers boost motivation and unlock new levels of growth!
  • You’ll find out 4 surprisingly easy ways to elevate your achievements and reach exciting new possibilities!

Step 5. Elevate Your Success

  • How a little-known way to celebrate your progress and solidify your lessons from the past 90 days!
  • You’ll discover how to leverage your increased energy and focus to springboard into your next big dream – it’s like using a launchpad to reach new heights!

  • Revealed: Why overlooking new challenges will NEVER help you plan your next steps – and what you need to do instead!
  • Here’s how the top achievers overcome obstacles and set themselves up for future success!
  • You’ll find out 3 deceptively simple ways to enhance your self-awareness and plan actionable next steps!

You'll confidently walk away with everything you need to enjoy success without sacrificing your health, life, or relationships.

What you get

Lifetime Access to The PEACE Method On-Demand Trainings
Concise and curated, these powerful recorded walkthroughs will help you build rock-solid habits and routines that will end the cycle of burnout.
12 LIVE Small Group Coaching Calls
With weekly laser coaching and Q&A calls so you're never stuck or thrown off track.
24 hour Access to Serene Success Circle Community
This isn't Facebook. A private community of high achieving women bolstering each other with weekly wins, celebrations, and support.
[LIMITED TIME] Three 1:1 Calls With Hannah
Kickstart your journey, stay on track, and fine-tune your success strategy with personalized guidance.

Here's how it works

Schedule a Call​

Let's connect for a chat. I’ll address your questions and talk you through my process.​

Step Into Your Power​

I'll equip you with the method, tools, and support to boost your energy & focus.​

Enjoy Serene Success ​

Experience success with energy, focus, and serenity.​

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